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22 July 2010

"Awake and Chirping"

3 AM and the cricket's are chirping outside,
And here I am, how to while time, I must decide...
Computer? Sleep? ..on a caffeine wave, I do ride.

"Texas Thunder"


The rumble of thunder,
The sweet smell of a summer rain -
All I have to wonder
Is, "Will there be some flooding 'gain?"

16 July 2010

Seeking middle ground...

FOR ME, the best state to be in is "quiet serenity".

I have to be aware that, left to their own devices, both MY elation and MY depression can spin out to dangerous extremes.

Unfortunately, that elusive elation is something I crave, for its gifts of creativity and boosts to confidence, but I forget that it can also bring some pretty flawed thinking, too...


15 July 2010

"Morning Procrastination"

Awake to the morning sun,
Not too much needs to be done.

So, I sit in front of this machine,
Drinking deep the gallon of caffeine..