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30 November 2010

Weaving a web of words, all while mind wanders along wayward corridors with some weariness, more whimsy, and... wonders await?

22 November 2010

(Jody)'s mind's in a bit of turmoil right now...
"Self-pity gone wild, feeling like an outsider, and wondering about finding new pursuits. I think I'm focusing on differences again, and the void of contact in my life."
(Jody) doesn't feel like doing the Thanksgiving potlucks this year, but suspects that's what's going to happen. *SIGH*

19 November 2010

I sit atop a hill, yearning to be on a mountain top, but afraid of trudging through the valley between the two.

17 November 2010

I did something today, that I used to do, 3 years ago..
I journaled about the Daily Reflection. It was interesting to see the words flow, my thoughts outlined more coherently than some of my meeting shares.
I think I might try a week of it..
Oh, you're saying, "It's not in your notes.."? My apologies, but I do still believe in pen and paper. If you'd like to read it, ask me in RL some time..