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31 December 2010

I've been mostly in bed, except for a couple of nicotine breaks, a shower, and a light meal of pear halves, since 3 a.m. Wednesday morning. |Z (eyes closed and snoring)
I suspect there's some procrastination paralysis involved, but I can't think of anything I'm NOT looking forward to facing. hmm.

24 December 2010

I think I've gotten jaded over the years living as a "poor colllege student" - I hate the commercialism of the holidays, and think it can blind us to the original intent of setting aside the day in the first place..

Let us remember all the universe, and not just the parts we love, and be in awe at the miracle of life and forgiveness. (That's not Exactly the reason for this holiday, but might be a shadow of it..)
I am a little fearful. I'm scheduled to make the 1313 coffee tonight, but don't want to get caught in the rain, walking to and from the bus stop, waiting for the church to open.

Anyone in South Austin up for playing taxi? I'll bite the bit at 4, and head out, if no one responds before then..

21 December 2010

"Playing it by ear" - slang from music, perhaps, referring to making music without a written score or lyrics to go by?
...another way of saying that one is improvising a situation, or scheduling, without using a predetermined plan...
...a little frustrated right now.

16 December 2010

"Anonymous Assessment" instructions (16 Dec 2010)

The "Anonymous Assessment".. send me a face-mail with a number from 1 to 10000, and I will, after some profile digging and such, post my impressions of you from RL and here as my status update. I will also try to keep my Virgo super-critical side locked in the closet when I do so, i.e. try to be positive.