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18 June 2011

(SSSU - 6/18/11)

SSSU: I am a string of MOMENTS, trapped in crawling time, shared with strangers. My progress is marked by a woman's voice, my destination can be familiar or unknown, depending on the planned conclusion. Only rarely do you remember the time spent inside of me, though you may recall the manners by which you entertained your solitude.

What am I?

11 June 2011

(SSSU - 6/11/11)

SSSU: automatic writing Judy tapping away arc the keyboard vut realign sure what parts of my thoughts will get auto-corrected correct... I'm tired so I'm not sure if I'm thinking profoundly - "oh, well. :| " (nap first, 2nd attempt later)

(SSSU - 6/11/11)

SSSU: Life can be a gay parade, alternating between bulbous-nosed clowns with obnoxious horns emitting noxious fumes, and a funeral procession, following the coffin carrying our dashed dreams on the backs of somber men, sobered by the loss...