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08 February 2013

Age 30 given to me by Rita Rockhold
Where I lived: a loft apartment at Cross Creek apartments in North Austin, TX
What I drove: I walked a lot, and I rode the bus to/from school.
What I did: studying to be a secondary math teacher through the UTeach program at UT Austin. Worked on a volunteer database for the NCTM national conference in the spring. Worked part-time as a clerk at the Diamond Shamrock across the street from my apartment. Quit smoking for 6ish months. Regularly went to $2 drink night and played trivia and pool at Barney's Billiards. Hung out with 3 different neighbors. Had a manic meltdown that landed me in ASH for a week in the spring...
Who had my heart: one of my cohorts in UTeach, following several emails that helped get me through the first month of quitting smoking.
Fears: perfectionist tendencies, over-analyzing, deep water and unprotected heights, not being able to pay my bills
...and today? Well, I've already done this once before, so I'll refer you to what I wrote yesterday...
If you'd like me to suggest an age for you to do, then please add a comment below.

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