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26 January 2015

"Recollecting the Wreck" (P.o.t.D. 1/26/15)

Do I remember the car wreck?
"Sadly, no..."
Or maybe "Gladly, no!"

I vaguely remember the troubles
We would have, fastening seatbelts...
And that the Pinto was the epitome
Of a teen's hand-me-down first car.

Actually, the finer details, like color,
Escape me about that car.

That morning, I hear that it was foggy out,
And I think we were running late for school -
I want to say I was still half-asleep.

I think I was nodding off in the car,
As we plowed thru the pea soup,
Passing on a curve,
When, even after swerving,
We T-boned a Cadillac!

My brother's right leg was fractured three times,
And would never grow longer -
He wore a cast for six months or more.

My forehead hit the windshield -
I always thought that I went thru it -
So my six month ordeal was
A plastic surgeon digging glass shards
Out of my forehead, as they resurfaced.

Still, I don't remember the crash -
Just another moment of coming to,
In a hospital bed, with concerned family
Calling me back to consciousness.

Even though I'm scarred 30 years later,
I have long since forgiven my brother -
Well, I do tease him with "90 by 40":
90% scar tissue by the age of 40".
Still, the wreck has faded into the fog,
A memory that I choose not to have.

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