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15 February 2016

VD Lament?

I do not want to be
That sad, single guy;
Always that nice guy
Who never finds love...

I do not want to be
A bad annoyance,
A street harasser,
Solely focused on looks...

So, what do I want to be?

I want to value and respect your mind.
I want be funny, yet still kind.
Is there a soul mate, for me to find?

I wish ladies would be forthright and open,
Expressing any love and attraction for me;
Because I would rather that they have that power...
Then again, what if I reject their advance?

I've tried dating web sites
With very little success -
I'd rather date within my friends,
Yet, I know not who I impress...

Trust me on this:
You have to be open and direct,
Because I'm an introvert
And so apt to miss
Subtle and coy clues
While I'm wrapped up in my own head.

There's a beast in me,
That animal drive
That wants physical affection and more -
Yet it is at war
With my ego and super-ego
Who want peace in the community,
Who fear getting tangled up with a friend:
"What if their feelings end?"

I am thankful for the tokens of love,
Scattered in front of me -
Rides home with friends, holiday invites,
Tidbits shared from our pasts...

I just feel like I get lost in the crowd,
Because I do not drop one-liners?
Because silence is easy to dismiss?

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