I look at all the bits of my brain,
Storehouse for the passing thoughts in my sometimes chaotic head, open to comments once you've read.
I look at all the bits of my brain,
Hoping the switch doesn't flip, where, instead, I look for oblivion.
courtesy of my dad's joke files:
Ah, me! I'm blowing out yellowish snot from my left nostril... methinks an infection has invaded my inhaler... (grrrr.. :$ ) [...and I can imagine some of you out there saying, "TMI!!"]
ote: I consider myself "un-dateable" because:
If you can not honor your word with your actions, then why would I place my confidence with you? I do not enjoy doubting and deceptions.
“Why do I feel abandoned and isolated?”
I don't like how I'm feeling about myself, tonight.
The Facebook games lost their appeal. The spam-orific onslaught of gaming allies' pleas just got ooooold... Realized I was wasting my time trying to track people who I only vaguely know, too.
"-1: yep. you're less than zero... mysterious, too, as it took the Greeks forever to come to grips with you." (had to throw in a number joke, just for fun...?)
Looked over the Christmas cards at Walgreen's, and only a couple jumped out as Jody-caliber... Maybe...
Stealing this from David Jackson:
When I’m wallowing in my pity pot, it’s really difficult to bring back to consciousness the better times of a few hours, weeks, or years ago. I just latch on to the idea that I’m invisible, ignored, and disrespected...
spent the afternoon moving to the room upstairs, so he's pretty tuckered out. I still have to print off some forms for the IRS job, but, true to my procrastination streak, I'm going to catnap for four hours then print them out. (Gives me two to four hours to fill them out before I have to go to turn them in - plenty of time, right??
an ounce of prevention, right...?
Not sure if a video would work better, or be seen... or a late night phone call.
In my present moment, I sit awake at my laptop, in my bathrobe, trying to cool my room down, to be able to sleep better tonight.
finally harvested his trees and animals in Farmville (no special eggs) after "The great Re-organization/Decoration of Dec'09"... 'I decided it's too much of pain to maximize crop space because the game only gives you enough free fuel to do one mechanized action on a 12X12 plowed plot, and I was getting weary of the repetitive point-clicks with the 22X22'
*shucks* Christmas in Dallas is looking remote at best. Guess I'll be hobnobbing with the friends of Bill...
You've probably seen this elsewhere in the feed...
I'm grateful that I have a good education, good friends, and good health.
I’m in a horrible mood, this Wednesday morning. I feel very disconnected from the holidays...
I think I’ll weather through tonight...
I decided to drop out of the NAMI Facilitator training about 2 hours into the 3-day course, tonight. I’m hoping I can use the weekend to push through my grading backlog; and maybe finish that on an ok note.
is trying to boil his thoughts down into a status update, but the conclusions elude him. It's time to journal, or - God forbid! - take some inventory. "Feeling frustrated, I am, I am.." (shared with RL list of friends)
is currently focusing his app play to Castle Age, Mafia Wars, Farmville, and Mobsters 2. Other apps still kept active, but may not be "cultivated" regularly. (shared with gaming buddies list of friends)
has plans forming to be in the D/FW Metroplex visiting family in Garland over the holidays - just need to work out how I'm getting up there and back. (shared with Wylie alum list of friends + John B.)
eat, shave, shower, go to WT, return home to change clothes and then off to points in North Austin (worksource, ACC?, followed by 64th anniversary thingy), get home before I turn into a pumpkin... guess that's the plans for the day?
does not feel blessed today by the Muse in charge of wit.. maybe I need to go invest in a bezoar and take a trip to Greece?
thinks the blahs are using his brain as a bowling ball, and sending it straight to the gutter with every bowl - now, what am I trying to say again?!? ...and what would the pins be? (Unachieved goals, hopes, and desires, perhaps...) Methinks it's time to go to bed...
I need to log off the computer.. I'm driving myself crazy trying to think of a positive status update.
I don't want to post a negative status update, but I'm having a devil of a time thinking of a positive one...
Only got 2 hours of sleep, then I snapped awake, like a rubber band... I'm going to try to get another hour in now, and maybe two hours later tonight, before going to work...
If anyone would be willing, I could use a bus ride to and/or from the Greyhound station, on Christmas weekend. Leaving Saturday lunchtime, returning Tuesday evening.
It’s now 9 dec 2020, just past midnight. Well, in Austin Tx at least...