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14 January 2010

collected updates, newest to oldest, for 14 Jan 2010

finally saw the bird that has decided to nest in the roof of our front porch - looks kind of like a yellow warbler or something. "At least it's not a grackle.."

Rain falls in Austin at 5 a.m... one of the "secrets" you learn working graveyard shifts?

Happy Day! Caloo, Calay! Back down to zip for app invites, today...

1679616. So what if it was a starred problem...

01 January 2010

New Year's Note 2010 (rev: 16 Jan 21)

5:09 AM 01/01/10...
(...in ten days that'll be a palindromic date?)

If you believe astrology -
I begrudgingly give it a closet in my head -
Saturn is moving out of my sign, so this last year of uncomfortable boundaries and limitations is passing, and 'opportunities abounding await'.

"I don't know, I just hope 2010 brings peace and stability...
That, and that Jupiter doesn't get swallowed by black monoliths...
🙂 "

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