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30 July 2015

"Oh! The Travesty!" (P.o.t.D. 7/30/15)

With much iced tea imbibed,
And a plate of fried foods devoured,
I leave Buffet Palace,
Not suspecting my walk will sour.

A block away, I fart,
And some liquid makes its way out -
Oh, how ashamed I feel
As I now walk soiled and pout!

It could just be old age,
Even just eating the wrong stuff;
Yet it darkens my day,
And makes my five block trek so rough.

Now, sitting at my home,
After quite the cleansing shower;
I wash more of my clothes,
This won't ruin tonight's game hour!

29 July 2015

"Sharing Seems Futile" (P.o.t.D. 7/29/15)

Feeling exhaustion -
Like, "Why even try? This crowd..?
They're wrapped up in self."

28 July 2015

"Six by six" (P.o.t.D. 7/28/15)

Why am I still awake?
'Cause I procrastinate...
I don't feel inspired,
Or have a writer's fire...
I often think in scenes,
Instead of wordy things...
So, this is what I write,
Before I snuff bed light...
Hope for a vivid dream,
Brought by coffee and cream...
Yet, I feel I'll soon sleep,
No memories, I'll keep.

27 July 2015

"Job Worries" (P.o.t.D. 7/27/15)

Stayed in bed today...
Afraid to face unknown Ways
Of earning good pay?

26 July 2015

"Unfriended" (P.o.t.D. 7/26/15)

She lingers in my thoughts, a resentment
That subtly preys upon my peace of mind.
I am perplexed why she left no mention
When she cut off contact in ways unkind.

25 July 2015

"Helping Acceptance" (P.o.t.D. 7/25/15)

I do not wish to be someone unique,
Separated by perceived difference.
I do not like being afraid to speak,
Cast off by those who think I make no sense.
It's just common ground, with you, that I seek;
Yet I must shed my fears and my pretence.
It's just treatment of the humble and meek
To be allowed space to "get off their fence".

"Do you...?" (P.o.t.D. 7/25)

Do you still love me,
Flaws and all - imperfect soul?
Speak true now - do you?

24 July 2015

"Nothing Gained" (P.o.t.D. 7/24/15)

"Pick up the pebble, playing 'pon my palm."
Swish! Snatched at too slowly, securing zilch!
Even with nothing, you remain so calm -
A Zen master, not flustered by failed filch.

22 July 2015

21 July 2015

16 July 2015

"Seed Cycle" (P.o.t.D. 7/16/15)

The flowers' petals have fallen away,
Leaving tiny green seed pods in bunches
That will grow into red berries one day
To become many hungry birds' lunches.
What will happen next, is Nature at play -
"New blooms, far away" - those are the hunches.

15 July 2015

"Ode to Beginner's Mind" (P.o.t.D. 7/15/15)

Most days, my mind is like an empty vase,
Free from all sorts of bother and worry.
Without clutter, life is easy to face,
And I don't run amuck in a hurry.

11 July 2015

"Organize!" (P.o.t.D. 7/11/15)

Organize chaos...
Random thoughts, upon the page,
Gathered as the mind does rage.
Anarchy "rules" within the brain,
Never making it easy to train
Intellect's galumphing, dumb
Zoo of wandering, random
Emotions and thoughts.

08 July 2015

"Bloom" (P.o.t.D. 7/8/15)

After rains, flowers
Bloom in pinks, purples, and orange -
Such lovely walks home!

07 July 2015

05 July 2015

"Trickle" (P.o.t.D. 7/5/15)

Does your money flow,
Throughout our society?
...Or congeal, like grease?