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24 January 2016

"Cooling the Fire"

As love's brief embers become cold, grey ash,
The heart labors long to stop anger's match.

16 January 2016

Four fingers and a thumb - is it a redundant system?
I ask, "How many fingers do we really need?"

14 January 2016

Ah, yes... That moment when Delight became the (twin?) sisters Despair and Delirium...
(Thank you, Neil Gaiman, for this great image!)

11 January 2016

"Wary of Triggers" (P.o.t.D. 1/11/16)

Tiptoe through a field of eggshells,
For fear of finding shards of glass
That sting and cripple and fell
The clumsy giants who walk so rash...

Behind every corner, every word,
Lies some hurt soul's triggers -
Would that I could fly like a bird
To avoid these social taboo rigors...

Would that I lived on an Earth
Where folks did not lash out and hurt
Those who came from a different birth -
Perhaps, there, we'd all soar like birds.

08 January 2016

Lurking in the dark recesses of my soul is a dissatisfaction growing out of control...
I fear it's on its way to devouring me whole.

02 January 2016

"Do you take....?" (Yadda yadda yadda)
...and then the family and audience also said "Sure!"
(It was a fun wedding, y'all!)

01 January 2016

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