wonders why he's prone to adopting a "professor persona"..?
Todd A Overman
Like it was good for anything anyhow.
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Storehouse for the passing thoughts in my sometimes chaotic head, open to comments once you've read.
Stumbling through my improvised speeches, I begin to doubt if I'm helping others...
I'm hungry and lonely, and that's getting me angry and tired.
There's this....
I am extremely grateful for the times that I get to spend with friends, because this roller coaster that I call life reached the top of the tracks on Sunday night; and I’m just getting whipped every which way on the downhill plummet that appears to be the next two weeks...
"OK, the screen's dead... but at least it didn't shatter into a thousand pieces... and, you can still make calls as long as you put it on speaker phone!"
It's another Thanksgiving in Austin, and I'm grateful to have lived here for the last 25 years. Although institutions have come and went, their influence is still felt - the permanence of impermanence, perhaps?
Do not copy and paste this status, as the message it conveys contains no substantial content.
On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020, at 5:30 p.m. CST, I will be telling my personal story of recovery from substance abuse and mental illness issues. This will be held in the open Zoomed meeting of the 12@12 5:30 group.
wonders if there's a holiday that doesn't somehow bring food and drink into the mix... President's Day, perhaps?
Part of me wants to hold out until the week after Christmas to buy some new shoes, but I'm getting really tired of my big toe sticking out of my sole...
Buy, buy, buy, buy more -
Spend the money you don't have -Copy and paste this post if you feel that too much bandwidth gets devoted to a lack of originality
Sarcasm is dead.