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10 January 2009

...biz-scheme 2: "Share your I-pod!"...

This thought struck me last night, while I was drifting off to sleep -- inspired by the touchtune jukeboxes I've seen in bars, and the "I-pod random shuffle Q&A posts" I've seen in facebook...
Wouldn't it be neat if we could share our I-pods?

For example, a club could offer to showcase your I-pod for a nominal fee (say $5/hour), either in shuffle mode or using some of your pre-created playlists. You would just pay for the time that it'll play, and the club then plugs it into their stereo system to either entertain or torment everyone there. (Note: I'm notorious for picking horrific playlists while playing pool in the past)

Alternatively, maybe you could swap your I-pod with a friend, or even rent it out to those less fortunate friends who do not yet have them... Going one step further with this swapping path, each of you could add some songs to the loaned pod(s); perhaps not even telling the owner(s) what those songs are. (Heh! "Hide and Seek!")

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