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27 December 2012

I'm wondering about a New Year's Resolution for 2013...
I'd like to try "speaking only when spoken to"...
...in order to work on my active listening skills..?
So, on Facebook, this would mean no sharing of others' posts, no status updates "out of nowhere", not even unsolicited comments on posts...
In my AA involvement, this would mean not sharing unless called upon... And I'm thinking I'd sit outside of 1313's circle of sharing unless asked to join by a friend.
Also... I would not be calling others, or texting, or emailing; except in reply to their initial contacts.
However, I would still engage others while at work, as that is part of my job duties, e.g. Greeting customers with "Welcome to Walgreens!"
I'm still not sure if this is the final form for this "Vow of Silence"... I also have some reservations on how long I'll try to maintain it - 1 month, 3 months, a year, indefinite...?
Any thoughts from "all y'all"?

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