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25 July 2013

(ThSSU - 7/25/13)


A bird flitters in between trees, a little electronic spark aided by seratonin, traveling. Is a thought a crow that rests inside one's skull, parroting "Nevermore!" and trying to deceive you, gentle reader? Let it walk a minute in the fields of your awareness, but remember to let that idea fly away and pass into the past. Gain what you can from it, while it roosts between your shoulders, but do not hold onto it

hoping to squeeze water from the rocks (or rocs)
big bird gains more power as our feeble attempts to grapple with it,
clawing evermore

Yes, Let Go and Let God. Let it Pass. Do not Force that which easily Flies,
for the flutter of the wings alight from one point to the next, picking up a little more moss as new connections are made, as the pebble sits in the stream of life, sometimes carried by a torrent, and other times, left alone and unmoved by the babbling brooks.

And now I ask? Is the idea... an idea... an animal... a piece of the earth... a play on imagery and personifications, possibly muddled by the surreal streaming mode? Try to be aware of each idea, as it bubbles up in your brain, but also let it sink back into the network of the universe. If it really needs to be reconsidered, it will resurface when the time calls for it. So, let your idea fly free, knowing that it has a nest in your memory where it sings quietly in the night...

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