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19 July 2021

19 July 2019

 A common line that women use on online dating sites: "I want a man who can make me laugh"...

Me, trying to interpret why this is a value, and what hidden message(s) it may be broadcasting:
- I want to be with somebody who understands my value systems
- I want a partner who is willing to voice their concerns through humor (instead of violence?)
- I want a partner who attempts to interact with me, through communication...?
- I want someone who does not take life too seriously
I don't know. maybe shots in the dark, on my part...
I still wonder quite a bit, as to why humor is valued, far and wide. Usually, there is a touch of harm or punishment underneath the jokes, even in puns... It's difficult to think of humor that does not also judge the subject of the humor?
Don't get me wrong - I'm quite fond of good jokes and recognizing honest mistakes or past failures. Yet, I wonder why it becomes attractive. Well, a good belly laugh is a good way to diffuse stress....

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