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19 August 2015

P.o.t.D. 8/19/15: "sun spots"

a solitary drop
upon my scalp
where once a bump annoyed.

unsure if i'm blessed
by birds above,
or rain struggling to arrive
in the sweltering summer heat.

is this a Chinese Water Torture
concocted by Mother Nature?
"Just give hime one drop,
and fuel the possible paranoias..."

after many nights of pressure pains,
the bump was skillfully cut away
by my family physician;
yet now I am troubled by
"Other Spots"
appearing around my skin.

too many long walks;
in heat, cold, sun, rain;
through the heart of Texas
without great protection -
almost mocking the weather
and all the havoc it can bring.

so, now I carry an umbrella,
and a tube of Neosporin,
but no sunscreen yet,
and very rarely, a hat.

I suspect, in my foolish Lone Star heart,
that I am a worshipper
of this weather that comes down so, so hot.

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