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31 January 2017

"Errant Knight" (P.o.t.D. 1/31/15 rev 1/31/17)

"Let me be your knight in shining armor!"
'Why, when you waste your time, to armor shine?'
"I can save you from your troubles, amor!"
'My love life's just fine, I don't need your whine...'

The troubles with dating? Imperfect roles.
Movies paint these rosy pictures of love
In their chase for ratings, without real goals,
Yet they only offer us a peace dove.

I speak from my humble abode, in rhymes:
"No car, No house, - these shiny things aren't mine
To offer to you, in your troubled times."
Perhaps this poem is my attempt to sign,

"I wish I could just wave a magic wand..."
Solves no problems, because magic is gone.

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