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10 January 2017

"Seven Hours Passed" (P.o.t.D. 1/10/17)

Looks like 7 hours await,
But will some coffee, before,
Serve as possible dream bait?
In 7, I wake, with more...


3 hours...
and Awake!
As brain stumbles,
Sub-conscience mumbles,
"Your business plans call -
Away! To the computer!
Search to find a better career!


Now, 7 hours are almost passed.
Only half got spent in dreams.
3, I gave to computers -
Scrolling through Facebook, instead
Of an earnest career search...
Because...? I fear new careers?

OK.. I'm off to eat and meet!


Now, Upon my phone, I breed frogs...
Then, I spend time to write blogs,
Some inventory logs -
Scared to look for jobs...
My, how sloth robs...
My heart sobs...
Tears fall...


Since I work all through the night,
Morning jobs give me fright...
I'm addicted to caffeine
I know from the headaches mean...

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