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07 January 2020

vague feelings of exclusion
a desire to make broad, sweeping generalizations
when contradictory evidence has been presented
the vagueness of vague book
the frustration and despair
as i see old relationships withering away,
as i listen to the crypt-like silence
of a phone that only offers games from company,
the horrible self-image
that i have nothing to offer,
which other people would desire...
feeling like a village elder
who was abandoned when he could no longer hunt...
or a gen x with woefully poor tech skills,
or an unskilled laborer in a world
filled with master carpenters...
Death's Draw is heavy upon my breath, tonight.
perhaps that's why i attempt to write...
perhaps i just wanted company, today -
some attention from the crowd,
some recognition
i don't know what i want
i want my teeth to go back to normal.
i want my muscles to stop their spasm.
i want to forge bridges to cross the chasm
that keeps you and i apart,
even though we have a common heart.
it was a beautiful day,
yet i was in real pain
and i was in psychic pain...
makes ye yearn for a cleansing rain.

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