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17 January 2012

multiple updates, 1/17/12

nstead of thinking about what I want, I'm trying to cultivate an "attitude of gratitude" for what have...

Not always an easy task, as I miss some of the life luxuries that have been "lost", like eating out and catching movies and/or music regularly...


Worried that sleep won't come quickly, as these are my normal waking hours. I'd like to sleep now, so that I can have some business hours to work with, later today.


1:11 a.m.

Having a hard time thinking of an original, upbeat creative status update...


...and then...

I begin to think I can control an addiction, as I extend the time since I last engaged in it. That's the danger of being a binger instead of a daily user...

Or, in the absence of "typical" appeals to a HP, such as prayer, I begin to think I've beat it on my human power alone.

It's hard to remind myself, though, that I DID (and still do) depend on Groups, Sponsorship, and Step work, at least, with the alcohol addiction...

But, am I bodily and mentally different from my fellows? Considering most of them are alcoholics too, it's hard to say - except there IS that whole other wrinkle of my bipolar brain..

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