Do I judge others,
Or judge those who judge others?
Who am I, to judge?
...some might call this simplistic, some might chastise for being too accepting while others for being too critical. Then I see the specter again, "Don't you want to win friends, and influence people?"
No. I hesitate to say, "I just want to stop the spread of false information..." Hesitate, because who am I to discern it's validity, pointing back at different perspectives: "a blue square, seen along the x axis, but a red circle seen along the y-axis"
Yet... if someone is called "spiritual sandpaper" (that's what's spawning this rant)... I could do well to ask, "what does that really mean to me?" (Not tagging the original posters, to avoid wall cross-pollination)
(For I am quick to think of it as differing attitudes and beliefs that may wear away at some of my own beliefs on the other side of the spectrums - and that's me interpreting out of context)
I see the rant gaining steam... I think of hearing the same shares from the same people, time and time again - even with wildly different conversation topics!
Still, it's almost 2 a.m. My brain is far past due for a rest. And my hopelessness swells up, thinking, "it doesn't matter because no one reads your posts, anymore, anyway..." (yay, self-pity. yay, resentment.
) ...or is that paranoia, trying to build a case for my mass abandonment, as the communication channels lie dormant..?

...but, i am no the person, in real life, who appears on the computer! i am not as gloomy in dialog, as I am in soliloquoy!
going to sleep now...
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