ABC's of Me
You've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with the ABC's of YOU. At the end, choose 26 people to be tagged. You have to tag me so really you just need 25 more people. If you've already filled this list out, and posted it, please mention as much in the comments. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you - but not in a creepy stalker kind of way.
To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your ABC's of Me, tag 26 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
A - Age: I'll be 37 at the end of August, and I agree with a lot of the predictions about both Virgos and Rats.
B - Bed: Just a little twin that's stayed with me 15+ years, and still hasn't grooved out yet.. probably because I toss and turn at night... ;)
C - Chore you hate: Scrubbing the bath tub.
D - Dog's name:- I'm a cat person; and cats have three names...
E - Essential start to your day item: Lately it's been my iPod/radio, as it makes the morning walk to the bus stop much more interesting.
F - Favorite color: light blue, because it matches my eyes..?
G - Gold or Silver: silver
H - Height: 5' 10"
I - Instruments you played: harmonica, until I sat on it one too many times. I also like to sing, though I'm rarely in tune..
J - Job title: Texas Works Advisor II (for Tx Dept of Health and Human Services.)
K - Kid(s): none
L - Living arrangements: sharing a room in a sober house in South Austin, but I really miss French House student housing co-operative
M - Mom's name: Pat
N - Nicknames: Jody (family nickname), Bean!, and The Professor
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: 5th grade - I went through the windshield of my brother's car on the way to school. Then there's several episodes tied back to my bipolarism, including, but not limited to, a 30-day stay at Shoal Creek when I was first diagnosed in 1996, and a suicide attempt in 1998 that had me in a coma for 9 days with 90% kidney failure.
P - Pet Peeve: gender roles in dating and romance.
Q - Quote from a movie: "1..2..5!" 'NO! 3, Sir!'
R - Right or left handed: right, but I write like a lefty - methinks it's the influence of watching my dad write when I was a kid.
S - Siblings: an older brother, and an even older step-sister
T - Time you wake up: Ideally? 5:30 a.m. More likely? 6:25 a.m., and even that's unbearable. I'm really a night owl..
U- Underwear: boxer shorts, preferably with cool patterns
V - Vegetable you dislike: I like them all..!
W - Ways you run late: Waking up groggy because I went to bed too late (Darn computer addiction!), Missing the bus because I under-estimated the walk time, Getting a little OCD about my record-keeping at work and forgetting to do the actual work...
x - X-rays you've had: Well, there's the dentist, the X-rays taken before I went into Air Force ROTC, the broken and/or sprained limbs over the years, the brain scans while hospitalized for bipolarism... Take too many more, and I'll be glowing in the dark.
Y - Yummy food you make: I had a native Lebanese once compliment me on my hummus when I was at French House, and I'm notorious for extravagant sandwiches.
Z - Zoo animal: probably the reptile house..
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