30 September 2021
30 Sept 2010 : tobacco dream
30 Sept 2018
I suspect I’m allergic to something that’s quite prevalent... I always have puffy eyes, and nasal drainage.
30 Sept 2018
Sexuality is not handled well by our society. It’s glorified in the media, horrified in our leaders, and left mystified in the general public.
30 Sept 2018
Another wave of terror about the country I live in, and the murky future I see before me...
30 Sept 2019
my mind has been thinking back on my past romances: "How brief... How did I fail...?" ...and such.
29 September 2021
29 Sept 2010
I feel tired and weary, and the intuitive thought is "Get off of facebook, and get some rest!"
29 Sept 2014
An acquaintance claims that I do not have the right personality to be a tutor.
29 Sept 2016
You may noticed some strange ramblings from me, this last week...
29 Sept 2018
29 Sept 2018
My mind is a mess. It aches for old friends, perceived in turmoil; hoping to lighten their loads. It fears over dwindling finances, facing that uncertainty about my next meal(s).
28 September 2021
28 Sept 2010
"Jody's at the computer, reading another of Ed's facebook posts..."
28 Sept 2016
Mr. Bean, would you care to rehash your past?
28 Sept 2016
Hearing the drum roll as Brubek's "Take Five" album begins, I feel stumped again. Not sure what I want to write about. Having posted Hughes' "Theme for English B" earlier; I am reminded there's a bit of me in what I write, and - some times - a piece of you that I'm trying to appeal to...
27 September 2021
27 Sept 2010
looks like maybe 5 hours of sleep today... guess that's what I get for deciding to play. tonight should be a good nap, though.
27 Sept 2016
what is important? ..necessary? ..kind?

27 Sept 2020
(cross-posting, in case the group post gets deleted)
26 September 2021
This is me, writing while "The Fellowship of the Ring" soundtrack plays on my headphones... : 26 sept 2016
From an epic battle, to an elven sanctuary, I wonder what fires I need to put out, and then I'm reminded of that song from "The Hobbit", too... dwarves chanting about long-forgotten gold, in a key I can sing in.
25 September 2021
25 Sept 2009
So, I seem to have a gnawing headache along my temples right now - Does that count as answering the status question, "What's on your mind?"
24 September 2021
24 Sept 2019
Today I saw two films at Fantastic Fest:
24 Sept 2020
I'm feeling a weird sort of headache. I suspect it's partially from staring at computer screens, all day. also, probably because I've been up since 4 a.m.
23 September 2021
23 Sept 2010
Bean's Quantum Sock Theory: "The heat of the dryer excites the molecules of a sock, leaving it in the quantum state (locale) of Wyoming. Granted - low probability, but dry your clothes enough times, and it happens."
23 sept 2010
Weird Synchronicity:
23 Sept 2016
Focus: positive thoughts, positive intentions... gratitude... let go of fear.
22 September 2021
22 Sept 2010
Gatorade and Walgreen's variety of Benadryl. Sleep was a little easier last night, but still too late in coming.
22 Sept 2017
...this feeling that the AA triangle has evaporated in my life...
22 Sept 2019
22 Sept 2019
Somebody had posted s notice of memorial services for Woody, the red-headed Street guitarist, outside of s meeting. There will be events tomorrow night and Tuesday morning.
22 Sept 2019
The ways my paranoia twists up my perception(s) are myriad and complex.
21 September 2021
21 Sept 2011
Greeeaaat.... once again facebook has mucked around with their format. You know, I personally prefer reading the recent news first, and then maybe taking a look at top stories and such.

21 Sept 2012
Some times, I wonder if I should take a Vow of Silence...
21 Sept 2013
Tonight's mind worm:
21 Sept 2013
Trying to crawl out of my skin.... Could be cabin fever.
21 Sept 2016
Because Siouxsie Langlois asked me to do it... I might tag people at the end, to prod them to do this, too...