is dressed as The Invisible Man tonight... "If you don't see me, then I guess my costume worked.."

Storehouse for the passing thoughts in my sometimes chaotic head, open to comments once you've read.
is dressed as The Invisible Man tonight... "If you don't see me, then I guess my costume worked.."
20 years ago, I came out of a 2-3 week coma, as a senator astronaut was going back into space. The Simpson’s Halloween episodes played every night on Fox that week. I was on dialysis, and I hear I had had 90% kidney failure. I also hear that, when I was checked in to Brackenridge, that my body temperature was about 84 degrees.
"If I think about myself too much, then no else will want to think about me." (not a direct quote, but rather another attempt to 'meme up some junk')
maybe it's grief. maybe I think I've lost so many past acquaintances (of various depths of friendship)... that I'm grieving for those lost friends.
I am thinking of hibernating this account, at least for a month. If I don’t go crazy, then I might extend it to a year.
Do I try haiku..?
Joke found in my email:
Change the world!
From the outside, my day was fairly typical, like many days over the last 5 years (or longer)...
Sooo... if I sit here staring at the computer long enough, will I find something clever to say...? ...nope, doesn't seem to be working.
living the life of the Spartan and the Hermit is just plain "blah"... debating if I'll swap off a shift Saturday to go "see the naked lady rise from the tub of blood" ("Le Sang des Gitans")
..looks like I'll be working every night of this Halloween weekend. *sigh*
For anyone looking for a little esoteric entertainment...
OK... Just saw a second post about "Halloween costumes that make people uncomfortable"
jumbled thoughts, not presenting a clear solution. accounts dwindling to nothing and bills unpaid. food anxiety ever-looming.
"Once it's been said..."
I sometimes wonder if my reactions to life are “atypical reactions”...
Having a lot of negative, critical thought right now, trying to come up with an update... grrr...
Let's take a look at sharing:
is thinking a late night panini at Strange Brew is in the works. Oh, and probably my stand-by of the Hibiscus Tea (to avoid caffeination..)
So, I’ve volunteered for various film fests over the years, working my way up to theatre manager responsibilities. With the amount of paperwork to shuffle around, communication lines to maintain, and egos one has to massage - leaving practically no time to enjoy the fest - it feels like managing the theatres is a role that I’m well suited for. I’d rather step down to be an ordinary crew member.
Imagine: one’s phone app icons begin to wiggle; before moving down the screen, like Galahad formations
Currently plagued by this automatic thought refrain:
So, I guess if I want to follow everyone else's lead, then this is where I post a photo/link/video that caught my eye... but I'm not a big fan of the long internet searches to find that stuff. Could be neat to go out and create some of it , though...
thinks he's off to treat himself to a movie tonight: 9:45 showing of Paranormal Activity at Westgate... (see if it lives up to the raves in the commercials)
OK... Sooo...
Probably a mid-range level of physical discomfort today.
I find myself in one of “my weird head spaces” tonight...
I just wish that more people would make the effort to talk with each other... Actually, I wish more people would make the effort to talk with me, if we're being perfectly honest.
Signs of 'fear paralysis': staying long periods in bed, playing games on the computer, going to a lot of meetings (to hide out).. you know, falling back on activities that are comfortable rather than facing the unknown. I suppose one could also call this procrastination.
It's hard for me to think of a status update that's personal and positive...
It's actually hard for me to wrap my awareness around the idea that, in public, I'm talking to the crowd.
I have decided to ease up on my anti-like campaign, to see if Facebook will begin to give me more of what I like...
A good friend bought me breakfast this morning at Dan's Hamburgers: two cups of iced tea and three sizeable breakfast tacos. There were several cups of coffee spread throughout the day. Then, I had four chocolate chip cookies and four Oreos about two hours ago.
once again... anxiety wants to get in, and have me play with toadstools and cobwebs. as a harsh critic (virgo, if you want to go there), i say, "missing car, missing girlfriend, missing money, abscence of friends, bills piling up..." and on, and on, and on...
I will attempt “Facebook silence”, starting 1 November:
Ya know. I think of comments all the time, but the principle of right speech tells me, "it would be a bad idea to post THOSE"
generating possible updates, then rejecting them b/c I feel they're whiny.
soooo sleeeeepy.. I might have a touch of ADD, 'cause I've had tons of caffeine today. (fancy that, me talking about sleep and caffeine again - one of these days, I'll knock the needle out of the scratch)
Sooo... No job, No money...