There was a presentation by Dr. Loving on seven common life areas where people develop addictions.
The seven areas are:
1) Drugs, including alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine
2) Food, which could overlap with 1) easily...
3) Sex and relationships
4) Work
5) Exercise
6) Gambling (possibly gaming, too) and also shopping (Money management)
7) Spirituality
I saw this while I was enrolled in Shoal Creek's Renaissance out-patient program, in the first month or so of my sobriety, and it still sticks with me, even today. Especially, as I've seen my addiction targets change their stripes, switching from one area to another. It is possible to engage in these areas with some moderation; such as eating enough food to stay healthy... However, I must remember that the medical definition of addiction, paraphrased, is engaging in any activity or substance to the point that it negatively impacts one or more areas of our life.
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