Spreading this, through my network, too, in my own words ... yes, yes, it's a copy and paste (sort of):
When life starts stressing us out, and we are grappling with finding solutions to difficult situations... many of us adopt tunnel-vision and focus-vision, thinking "If I could only fix this one part of my life..."
My recommendation is to relax a little, and pull back - especially since we're already terribly isolated by the pandemic. Take a moment, to reach out to your friends and family. Put your life on pause, for a minute, to see how their lives are going. It is amazing how much a 15 minute conversation between old friends can help pull us out of our stress responses and get us back to normal. It can certainly help put your life in perspective, if you can see that you're not terminally unique; and you're not the only one having to deal with complex issues.
This is a time when empathy and sympathy becomes far more important than problem-solving; because we have some systemic problems that just don't offer quick and easy solutions. Even if our lives are creating anxiety, knowing that others are there beside us can help us weather the fears of the unknown. It's like we're the Scooby Doo gang, having to face Old Man Withers again - ok, maybe not... but those who've seen Scooby Doo have just empathized, see?
If we all set aside an hour of our days to catch up with old friends, I imagine the communications companies would be quite happy - but also we can leave our confining tunnels and get back to the warm smiles and dancing lights of the campfires.
Cheesy? Maybe...
I'm just trying to knock off my teacher hat - because it tries to preach solutions. I want to emphasize the importance of light hearted conversation in heavy times...
I wrote this in the summer of '92, and I hope it opens some ideas for you: "How much of our lives is just idle conversation?"
So, Francy Headrick, a great friend of mine from 2000 on, originally wrote:
"Sometimes you just need a friend. These are some very difficult times that we are living in right now. I am doing a Friend Check-in. Showing support for one another. I want everyone to be good to each other. Reach out to your friends and family and be extra kind to the strangers you encounter, you just don't know what they have to endure. I am not much into the chain notes or the forwards but if you find yourself willing, you can use this post. Live long and Prosper."
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