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12 February 2015

"ode to archie" (P.o.t.D. 2/12/15)

Another day is upon me, meaning
I pause as I write - my mind is scheming.
Oh, how I'd love to take you, dear reader
On grand old adventures, as your leader...
As I slide around on the chair,
Hoping not to "go nowhere"
Not to bore you
With my Spartan life
Abandoning rhymes, meters, punctuation

i become archie as the stream opens up
half listening to mehitabel
as she also opens up

i could be a faithful cockroach
transcribing all of her words
true down to the letter
but no
i want to go on a flight of whimsy

i wonder if i am immortal
able to withstand our atomic holocaust
lurking in the background
wielded by korea or isis or

i do not think i am going to die
more likely i am not
prepared for when i might die
no burial plot
no life insurance
no partner to ease my pain
when this body i leave again

there is this lingering thought
that i look for what i sought
in a past life reincarnated
i was not always a cockroach you see
and i should look for what karma surrounds me
is there a lesson trying to be learned
in my abyssmal state of abject poverty

Brought pack into the present,
By peeling off dead skin,
I nod at archie, circa 1930
And he waves his antennae
At Bean, circa 2015...
Although I do not really think
I was archie -
Something can be said for emulating
His style, His character, His adventures;

And, in this scribbled end, I again note
Talking about, the form of a poet.

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