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05 February 2015

#Take5toBlog : 5 sentences talking about mental health on Feb 5th :
The scary thing about being bipolar is that I crave the manias. Even though most projects get left half-done, if that, the mind's over-active state fools me into thinking I'm getting lots of stuff done. It's also hard to remember that the unusual elation and sudden conversations can be quite scary for those who fell in love with me when I was normal (sedate) or depressed. Back to the first sentence - mania can feel amazing when you're in the middle of it, and I want to keep it going and going; but the danger is the increased risk-taking to do so and the disappearance of moderation and self-control. I am thankful that my medications are effective at reeling my mind in from the 10,000 distractions, without turning my mind into a "slug on ice" (my feelings when I tried Depakote before)..

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