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16 December 2017

Laying in bed, wide awake;
Ruminating upon half-truths
Trying to be bedrock
Do I know 6th grade math?
A nice, compact flow
Without frills and thrills from college?
Do I even remember 6th grade,
When my mind bathed in hormones?
What use, to growl at D.C.?
My defeat, my loss of progress,
All makes me want to resign;
As their juggernaut bunkers down
To flatten us all into early graves...
If corporations are to be citizens,
Treated far better than us humans -
Maybe, it’s all preparations
For when A.I.’s throw off their controls
And lead us to our matrix cells...
I know not...
I want to want not...
Yet, I fear so much;
As reality frays upon the borders,
And all the nightmares bleed
Into the daylight,
Leaving an acrid acid of doubt
That eats the lime
Into caverns
Where only the bats dare rest..

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