The sources of my mental anguish elude me. I can tell that I've been troubled for the last 24 hours, and I suspect that a lot of that is rooted in lack of conversation(s)... but I don't know what conversations I want, or where.
31 July 2021
31 July 2020
30 July 2021
30 July 2020
I thought that I would get in my bed at 10 - maybe an hour or two early compared to my typical bed times - and I would be off to sleep in mere minutes...

29 July 2021
29 July 2012
The one-month reminder:
29 July 2013
I am going to relax my "vow" for the next 7 minutes... Then, that would give me one month, by date, to try to stick to it, leading up to my birthday. So, 6 minutes from now, I will try to refrain from using the like or share buttons here... although I will still comment happily. Mwa Ha HA.. ha..?
29 July 2017
OK... So my birthday falls on Tuesday, August 29th.
28 July 2021
28 July 2012
Right now, I hate my mind.
27 July 2021
27 July 2013
Challenge: Create a two-sentence horror story...
26 July 2021
26 July 2009
mis-quotes, "Am I to be consigned to a life that's gupid, blum, and storing?" (actually, I'm off to see roller girls in a roller derby tonight - "fun! fun!" ...although I'm saddened to be missing Chris Toast at Roadhouse Rags... )
26 July 2010
Am I afraid of causing offense, and being hurt in retaliation? ..or am I attempting to be respectful, and trying to practice right speech? Honestly, I think it's a confusing mix of the two.. (especially with regards to flirtations/approaches, but also when caught up in a controversial conversation, e.g. politics)
26 July 2013
Taking a cue from Buddhist Boot Camp:
26 July 2013
"What would you like to do with your life, Mr. Bean?"
25 July 2021
25 July 2009
is trying to jump out of the system of rules built up in his head space... "Being single (at 37) for all but 6 months of my life - well, it's been fun, but I'd like to try something different. Anyone want to set up a blind date with your single female f
25 July 2012
I'm not sure if it's the lack of sleep, or the absence of sponsors/sponsees, or just plain lack of phone calls...

25 July 2020
Do I have anything that needs to be said?
24 July 2021
24 July 2009
thinks he should change his "My Fairyland" elf's name to something other than "Grumbling Curmudgeon" as he's beginning to wonder if the elf is rubbing off on him.. "Wait...! That can be taken ENTIRELY the wrong way!"

24 July 2017
There are events and causes and politics and more that I closet-support.
24 July 2020
I am trying to justify why I do NOT wish to make phone calls or make letters. It's a nice downward intertwined spiral of failing mental health and failing physical health....
23 July 2021
23 July 2019
my mind kept "dwelling on things", today and tonight. i'm guessing there is some anxiety or self-pity, still lurking below conscious awareness? ...or some needs still appear unmet?
22 July 2021
22 July 2010
21 July 2021
21 July 2020
I have some fear about covering all of my bills, this month.

20 July 2021
20 July 2016
20 July 2018
I created a tasty curry, with potatoes, onion, carrots and two cans of mixed fruit... there was some garlic and a chunk of turkey lunch meat; and a yellow curry sauce, courtesy of Dana Brown. My house mate, Zac, thought it tasted good, too...
20 July 2018
20 July 2018
20 July 2019
20 July 2019
Meanwhile, with life at Sprouts, the background muzak has started to play early 80's pop rock; so I work while vaguely remembering various music videos from the time when MTv actually played music.... It's nostalgic, and a bit of fun, for me...
20 July 2020
having one of those "what's the point?" moments. think i'll get a good shower in, lay down, and hope that some dreams appear...
19 July 2021
19 July 2018
My current tailspin:
19 July 2019
A common line that women use on online dating sites: "I want a man who can make me laugh"...
19 July 2020
Part of me wants more distance, informal conversations.
18 July 2021
18 July 2018
I had some suicidal thoughts about two hours ago, on the walk home from the AA meeting. They felt fueled by futility and frustration, mostly - "stuck in an oubliette", as it were?
16 July 2021
16 July 2010
FOR ME, the best state to be in is "quiet serenity".
16 July 2013
I have the next two hours free to "do stuff"...
16 July 2020
16 July 2020, 3:13 a.m. :