10 pm, and we started from pg. 52: "When we saw others solve their problems by depending on a Spirit of the Universe, we had to quit doubting the power of God..." (from memory, so may not be an exact quote)
My thoughts...?
We have to remember that not everyone else depends on a Higher Power, and that most of those others "suffer from some of the bedevilments" (Is that the contra-positive: (not depending) -> (problems unsolved)..?) Also, some people who think they're depending on God, like a religious zealot, may actually still be engaging in self-centered behavior...
I have to wonder about how I may be depending upon God, or how I may be depending on self-reliance or self-preservation, or how I may be depending on some other person or thing, like money... across all major areas of my life. I think it's possible, too, that I will depend on God in one area, like how I treat others, but depend on self-reliance in another area, like finances...
Thinking about "how" there, I think it really boils down to, "Are my words and actions consistent with respecting and following my conception of a Higher Power?" Like, am I trying to be a worker among workers, a contributing member of society, respectful of others, etc etc...
Sooo... when I think about old ideas at play in my life, I think about fear-motivated or self-preservation motivated ideas that may be causing more harm than good. One area that comes to my mind is dating and romance and flirting.... This status update is getting kind of long, though, and that's spinning off on a tangent - so I'll give that discussion its own status update. 

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