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14 July 2021

14 July 2020

 So, I did a morning meditation walk, this morning. I saw a cat ahead, sitting on the sidewalk; and I thought, “I’d like to meet this cat!”

Slow my pace. Stop.
Move a little closer. Pause.
Cat meows, I mew back..
Cat comes a little closer..
Reach out hand. Cat sniffs at it. Offers forehead
I scratch cat’s head.
Cat rolls around on ground, a little.
I scratch its head again, and try to pet it...
Strike! Bite!
(“Too soon, Mr. Bean - too soon!”)
Then I got reminded of the Bean family motto, and, I was like, “yep! Too soon! Maybe tomorrow?”
Also pictured:
- APO Top Ten mug - Spring 1998
(I had finished within the top 10 members, regarding volunteer service)
- various month chips from AA
- an old TI-35 plus calculator from when I was in high school (1980’s)

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