"'What's on my mind?' . . . gee, I don't know - isn't there some sort of membrane on top of the cerebral cortex? Of course, there's a skull, a scalp, and some (thinning) hair on top of that..."

Storehouse for the passing thoughts in my sometimes chaotic head, open to comments once you've read.
"'What's on my mind?' . . . gee, I don't know - isn't there some sort of membrane on top of the cerebral cortex? Of course, there's a skull, a scalp, and some (thinning) hair on top of that..."
Dang.. whatever "profound status wisdom" I had earlier today
Who am I keeping the phone line open for, tonight? I suppose I could send out test calls to the current usual suspects....
"And the worms ate into his brain"
I see this negative swamp trying to pull me under its brackish, cloudy surface...
if anyone is curious, we made it home safe at 1:30 a.m. There were some wrong turns made along the way...
I thought this was a nice USCCB Daily Reading, for today: (JER 20:7-9)
I've made another orbit about the sun, but I do not think I let Facebook know about it, any more. They already mine too much info off of our profiles, as it is...
I find myself trying to set expectations for others. It’s like, “I want to have this boundary; because I’m seeing if it improves my quality of life.”
I’m trying to be more proactive about conversing on the phone or by messaging 1-on-1 with more people. I’m hesitant about starting group texts, just because those can spin out of hand... so, some of you may See IM’s to try to start conversations
“There’s got to be restroom open at 11:48 pm, somewhere in this string of small Texas towns!”
Walked outside of work, and it was blessedly cool. Just checked the weather online, and it says Austin is at 63 degrees.. AND THIS IS AUSTIN IN AUGUST?! (Thank you, God, although I worry at times about the future weather we're creating..)
"I'm going to try to quit smoking tomorrow..."
"Why does scrolling through the Facebook feed make me suicidal?" (-me, over the last year)
T - 2 days and ~35 minutes: I think I'll remember 23 for a while - living in French House, and an ex-member brought back a bottle of wine from her trip to Spain, my house mates bought two 12-packs of Shiner, and the Russian exchange students arrived and gave me a "smuggled" bottle of Ruskaya vodka... although 30 and 35 have interesting stories, too..
My mind is pondering past romances and crushes... trying to get an idea about points of attraction.
At some point, the manic brainstorming simply burns out all of my energy reserves... and my body swings me to a depression to try to rebuild.
I’m caught up in a pity party.
Why do we focus on the breathe?
So, I'm scrolling thru the newsfeed, and even looking at many of the comments. Nothing's drawing out a response from me.
What would I like for my birthday (8/29) this year? Hmmm...
Welp. My phone is bleeding out, dying of thirst...
A part of me yearns for stronger activity connections with my circle of connections...
I will be turning 47 on this Thursday. If you want to get me a birthday gift; may I suggest sending money to my PayPal?
[ Just another set of my opinions - Jody ]
Wondering if it would be worth my while to explore okcupid again... Wondering if any women that I actually know in real life find me remotely attractive... Wondering if I'm trying to live by a set of rules that guarantee a life alone...
(Silently swearing..?)
10:45 - 11:40 : breakfast at Arrandas!
USCCB Daily Readings - 25 August 2020 (Matthew 23):
Update for all, at Donna's request:
I woke up at 5:45, this morning, and started gathering steam to charge into the day...
I'm still fighting the feelings that "Nobody - absolutely nobody - would consider me as a life partner."
Aaaahh! The sweat-soaked shirt! The musky smell, clinging to my skin, nipples barely visible, leaving puddles wherever I sit... "Ah, yes, how do I love this 'benefit' of the sweltering Texas summer heat..."
...and - like *That* - I disappeared for weeks and weeks...
i do not understand this writer's block. some sort of fear is welling up, telling me that I have nothing new to write... and that anything I have written has become bland and unnoticed.
So much of my Day borders on solitary pursuits. Yet, I’m surrounded by people?
The desire to call out hasn't reached critical mass, yet... For that matter, the desire to write a Facebook post feels rather forced, too.
A chameleon personality tries to fit in with their social group by parroting the words and actions of their fellows... leads to different personas, none of which is a true display of the inner self. "I think my mom euphemised this by talking about putting on hats for the situation - her worker's hat, her mom's hat, . . ."
I don't feel tired right now, but I also have a busy afternoon later today, and don't want to be dragging my heels through it...
I'm isolating, and want to break out of it. Does anyone want to meet up with me at Strange Brew, tonight (Wednesday 8/21), after 10 pm?
Anyone got plans for tonight?
Oh yeah. My bump's scheduled to be cut out tomorrow morning... Not sure how I feel about that, yet.
I feel hopeless about my finances.