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27 September 2015

P.o.t.D. 9/27/15: "Suffering in Silence?"

Is there a point
To meditating?

It's calming, relaxing,
Even a bit sedating...

Until something clicks your mind open,
And the cloud-like thoughts crowd in,
Making the sit feel a bit painful
Since the nightmares were allowed in.

Not all meditation is peace;
For some growth comes painfully
As suffering is transmuted
To wisdom through contemplation.

Pain comes from suffering,
Suffering from attachment,
And attachment is just
Excessive wants or aversions.

Can you sit for twenty minutes,
Without worrying about windows
Or itches or sleeping feet?
If so, you can do better than I -
At least for today...
Perhaps picking up my practice
Will open up my Way,
And yet...

Not all meditation
Is sedate and calming -
Not every breath is easy,
Not each step is perfect,
Some trees fall, and fell more...

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