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30 September 2015

P.o.t.D. 9/30/15: "Scream? or Yawn?"

As I described my mental meltdown,
Which kept me in bed all thru Monday and Tuesday;
There was this joviality
About it all, kind of like,
"Yeah, I was depressed,
And contemplating downing all my psych meds,
But I just hid in my blanket fort,
While my job came in jeopardy,
And my class fell upon the drop axe..."

Big, old run-on sentence, there, yep.

Depression makes no sense,
And thoughts of doom spin
Round my head, as real life is sent
Crumbling into the abyss
Because... "Life is unmanageable?"

I want a cathartic moment in this poem.

I want to make some sense
Out of my mind's nosense...

I hate that I'm prone to
Throwing hiding tantrums
When life is not going my way,
Hiding and withdrawing and
Trying to sleep my way past
This uncomfortable point in time.

...and I still feel overwhelmed,
Struggling to find a next right action
In a sea of a thousand choices.

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