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05 September 2015

alt P.o.t.D. 9/5/15: "starting to rant"

"Unleash the Kraken!"

Thus begins this little rant.
I'm sitting in the sober house,
where I think I'm still behind on rent,
pecking away at the common computer's keyboard...

because the wireless service has gotten all screwed up,
and no one's attempts to fix it have made headway...

I'm worried about my slivers of time
getting decimated by trying to go to school,
and work, and play board games, and go to meetings, and do my chores

i feel overwhelmed
Hell. I'm exhausted from pulling yet another 12 hour workday,
vy design and not by accident -
I really do not like these shifts,
at least not shouldering them all by myself.

fuck it. i'm tired.
i'm going to sleep now.
i hope to attend a potluck tonight,
meditate with friends tomorrow morning,
and then play games in the afternoon.

i hope that actual rest and recuperation comes with the sleep
now and tonight, and perhaps many more nights to come -
that i can feel refreshed enough
to catch up on my drawing class assignments...

I just don't like being plagued by body aches.

good night all!

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