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13 October 2016

A stab at the ideal...

A love of games,
Classic and New,
Played on the table-top,
Yet also... in the bedroom.

No spite in our souls,
Our love runs deep for all;
And when we have to fight,
Our words are tempered with compassion,
And no fists are clenched, even in fury.

Ever curious, ever searching,
Looking to learn so much more,
About this wonderful world we live in,
And the marvels that nature unfurls -
We would rather have flowers to plant
Than to leave dying in a vase.

There's a bit of night's call, too -
Going out on the town,
To see music, or movies, or a play -
Even visuals on paper display.
Pair that, now, with an exotic meal
That surprises the mouth
And perhaps, the senses are sated...

What, then, could be missing?
Perhaps tonight's dreams may foretell
How we might complete our souls...

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