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03 October 2016

"chanting" (ranting) med of 10 minutes


The bell resonates, lingering on...

First thought turns to friends with cancer,
Fighting with their might,
Yet feeling alone and vulnerable and overwhelmed -
All these well-wishers without doctorates
Offering home-brewed medical advice
And half-true rumors of how their friends beat it...
Ah, Facebook therapy! What barbs do you conceal?

Memories of my bipolar moments, shared there...
When my frustration and loneliness came exploding out,
Like the steam in a pressure cooker,
Left on the stove far too long.
Ranting and raving, and perhaps some craving
For happy company in my blanket fort.

Got a long work shift today...
I'm getting talked into a full-time schedule.
It could help catch up on bills, and yet....
I do not want to surrender my play time;
I still would like to enjoy my games hobby -
Maybe if I don't work Saturday,
Then I will still be able to role-play.

Afraid of how SXSW Eco might be getting scrubbed,
And afraid more of how this ...
whoa. synchronicity!
email just came thru from sxsw eco!
...how work will treat SXsw requests in March?

not sure what i want to do with 7-Eleven.
It just lingers on, like some weird cancer in my schedule.
Is it worth it, to stay on there,
Or could I free up my Friday
for tutoring or meetings or music or more...\

and... ding!

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