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03 October 2016

Stormy mind

Whirlwind of words
Caught up in the fury of anger -
Stopped and spat out and stuttered and...

My message is muted;
Because the temperance was gone,
And the smoothness
Lay trampled in my mind,
Beset upon by strange pink elephants.

As I write this meta-poem,
I forget what troubled me
Throughout the day,
Or even an hour ago -
All just washed away
By subtle, serene surrender.

Now that the storm has dispersed,
And the writer's block seems smashed,
I pause, and ask myself,
"Did I even want to speak?
Or did I instead seek
To absorb my environs through my senses;
Left in my brain, defenceless?"

Not too sure what stuck about today -
Small repimand about my limited hours on Sunday?
Or, uncertainty about gaming buddies and trades?
Or... cleaning out the fridge before food decays?
Or... dusting off ceiling fan, the lazy way?
Or... going to a meeting, and being reminded to pray?

Alas, I'm fairly tired,
And hopefully, not caffeine-wired...
So, to bed! To sleep! To dream
That my imagination be fired!

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