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07 October 2016


It started with 100 candy bars
Divided among 7 dwarves;
Yet now I have to make sense
Of bounds posed by Chernoff, Markov, and Chebyshev...

Hazy memories of my discrete math class,
And also cracking texts ten years later...

I have to be honest, with myself, at the least -
I skated by in upper-division maths...
Heck! I didn't even attend class
On a good chunk of the semester.

Austin can be sooooo distracting.
Somehow, though, I pulled off passing grades,
Even though the knowledge has come and gone, in passing.

This is why I came to love tutroing differential equations -
I was on the spotlight, forced to explain, as best I could,
Material tat I had onl skimmed over.
Because I tutored so many students,
That material became much better umderstood.

To go on a tangent,
This, too, is why I enjoy training new employees -
Because it solidifies my gras
Of my job's day-to-day tasks.

Even though I may be breaking up lines,
This is not a poem,
In the spirit of Magritte's pie.
There is no math, either...
Just some names dropped
Of classes and mathematicians...

And I..?
I am neither poet,
Or mathematician -
I still think I am
A Jack of all trades, Master or none.

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