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22 December 2018

After a few setbacks and criticisms, I have felt a bit threatened.
I called the insurance company on Friday to set up a payment plan to catch up my insurance; and was told that the partial payment would reactivate it - this did not happen and I had to call back multiple times over the next 4 days before I was told of the official policy: “Suspended until paid in full” I ran out of meds, which quickly led to a fairly severe mixed episode. (I was able to get the meds refilled, and I now feel some return to normalcy...)
I took my trench coat in for some repairs; and it was returned with missing buttons and missing zipper teeth for the inner liner, making the liner unattachable. I tried to argue for some customer service or recompensation for those damages, but to no avail.
I once again was reminded that my budget can easily fall apart, if I do not keep a tight rein on it; and yet I fret over the lack of fridge and freezer space that I have available to me, at the new housing... which, in turn, stresses me out immensely about not being able to pay rent on time (and possibly being asked to move out)
I have not tried yo make it out to any Christmas festivities. Part of me wants to, while part of feels immense shame at not being able to give more of myself or my time.
“Yadda yadda yadda” ... you might be saying, “same old squeals, change the record”... I feel kind of traumatized by my current circumstances. I still do not think that I have a good social support network built up around me (partly because I do not put a lot of effort into interjecting myself into your lives - a weird “respect for privacy”, as it were?)
(A couple of rejections, and I think, “it does not make sense to stay in that scenario”...)

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