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22 December 2018

I am not making great progress towards most of the traditional American measures of success... (loving partner, family, household and vehicles my own, rewarding and satisfying career, ample retirement funds, excellent health)
Most days, I’m like, “whatever...”; but there are some days where the poverty, insecurity, and isolation this can cause tear apart my mind.
I think some would say, “focus on the positive! Be more happy! Attract the things you want! Make time and energy for what really matters!”
It’s really tough to present a happy face, though, when envy starts to sink in, when I start to want some mythical dream life that’s been paraded in front of me, all of my life, through our media. ...Or to project an appreciation of what I have been given when the engineer in me thinks he can sees ways to improve upon it.
Not sure how much of that makes sense, because I’m not trying to write a novel on it.

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