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11 October 2015

P.o.t.D. 10/11/15: "Talking Heads"

It's weird,
Wrapping my head round this post;
Because it feels like
I've hammered it out before -
You know, deja vu?

Yet what I want to talk about
Is how repetitive we can all become...

Like how bands easily slide into
A signature sound,
Or a one-hit wonder
That they can't seem to craft
Yep, a trap, a slippery slope,
A style of singing that's
So evocative of who they are,
That it's hard to believe
That they sing in other styles...

Or how a poet, maybe like me,
Falls back into the same
Rules, rhymes, themes, and such -
It's their own little bird song,
Their own style of expression...
"Their engulfing pit of doom!!??"

Yes, there are topics I'm drawn to,
Like the moth to the flame,
And modes of speech
That I fall prey to -
Because that's a bit of who I am.
I have my collection
Of memories and memes
That I operate from,
My box of interests
That I'd like to share with the world -
Note phrasing like the Coca-Cola commercial?

Life is not so simple
That you can white-wash me into
A Democratic ecological math nerd -
Even though those do have an influence on how I speak.

I believe that,
Sometimes with quite a bit of effort,
I can move beyond my mode,
And gain the perspective of another.
However, it does become hard, indeed,
When we are such creatures of habit,
So used to speaking when we're blue in the face -
Just because we don't think
That anyone's listening anymore.

Now, I'll go beack to listening to
The Talking Heads artist station on Spotify,
Even though the songs are blending together...

..and, true to my form, this year,
I'll leave you with this first draft,
Without much concern for
Editing it into a proper poem...

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