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04 October 2015

P.o.t.D. 10/4/15: "The Bathroom Mold"

'I stand on top of the chair
To get a better look
At the upper bathroom cabinets
That I've decided to finally clean...'

"Make a sanity check, please, at minus ten."

'Oops. I failed that one big time...'

'Great molds from the outer realms
Bending space and time to their hive mind,
Growing out of control on these shelves -
Their black mass undulating
And releasing foul spores...!!'

That's the last they heard of him,
Finding only shredded clothes and shoes,
But a minute later
Atop the strangely blackened chair.

The lesson, ladies and gents?
Clean your bathroom regularly,
Or else Cthulu may become a cupcake
Compared to the gruesome mess
Growing "Out of sight, out of mind".

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