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14 October 2015

P.o.t.D. 10/14/15: "Today's offering?"

I lay out six ripe bananas,
A loaf of raisn bread,
Three mini pound cakes,
And a couple of Mexican chocolate concoctions.

Who's to say what will be
Snatched up by hungry roommates,
And what will be left behind?

I squirrel away some burritos
In the freezer with past hauls,
All saved for that rainy day
When the money runs out
And the hunger gnaws at my gut.

My house mates are welcome
To sandwiches in the fridge, too,
Or even the rare gem
Of a fruit cup,
Not yet fermented.

I think that I'll be
Having the pork chops, tonight,
Passed on to me by my room mate,
Who has moved on,
Hopefully to more
Fulfilling pursuits...

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