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19 October 2015

P.o.t.D. 10/19/15: "How Old?"

When we turn away from the sun,
Then deep secrets at night are spun:

Men with the universe are one;
Kin of stardust we have become...

Since atoms were fused by billions
Whence stellar fires burst forth once;
Hence we share much from deaths so young -
Princes are the same as the dumb.

Dense in mind, scared to trust iron
Lends proof that science has now won
Pensive debates 'bout time's long run.

Bends our truth, keeping light unshown,
Mince theories, and arguments are honed...
Pins their flaws on walls, forgets bones...
Wince as one debates, wails, and moans...

Generations led down paths wrong,
Finished by science and her song.

Win battles, yet war rages on,
Thin threads of false thoughts are woven.

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