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07 October 2015

P.o.t.D. 10/7/15: "Blending Joy"

Do I dice all of this,
Or just toss it in the blender?
How much do I use of each,
And what do I need to include
To have a superior salsa -
Maybe attempt to recreate
That Glowing Neon Green Concoction
From the NASCO Ann Arbor trip,
Which had everyone in tears...?

For the basic recipe,
We'll use tomatoes, onions,
Garlic, lime Juice, cilantro,
And, of course, some peppers
Picked to pull the tears from your eyes...

Although, I wonder...
Do you really need the peppers?
Or does the lime juice and cilantro,
In sufficient amounts,
Give the Italian base
Enough zing to become a Spanish treat?

One could move beyond the basic six -
Perhaps throw some mango in,
For tropical sweetness,
Or possibly pineapple...

If the tomatoes are not adding
Enough salt for your tastes,
Then you could add salt to taste -
Although I'm loathe to do so,
As I think too much salt
Can kill any dish,
Or even speed along a heart attack
To kill you quickly.

The question, of course, is,
"What portions does one use,
Of each ingredient,
To wind up with just the right zing?"
Thinking about it, one needs some knowledge,
Of how your pieces fit into the whole -
I recommend starting with small portions,
Sampling as you go,
To gain experience, you know,
With how each item makes the taste grow.

I miss the days of blending
Sweet salsas, for all to enjoy -
Perhaps I should get a blender
This Christmas, to make great gifts
For every girl and boy...

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