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30 November 2016

This knowledge hunger,
Starved by social media,
Pecking at mere crumbs...

P.o.t.D. 11/30/16

The cream cheese was extra creamy;
That worried me...
"Has it gone bad?"

Just throwing darts in the dark,
Hoping I'll hit a magic number,
Instead of a wall, another block..

Listening to the seconds
Marching into oblivion -
Almost a poetic constanct, that clock..

Muffled sounds of a TV,
Blasing out through Danny's door -
At least it's not...

Can't think of a good line
That rhymes with door,
And yet conveys so much more.

exhaustin and hunger beat me down,
stark reminders that I'm so poor.
so, instead of mumbling aound,
i'm off to sleep, perhaps snore.

Gratitude month, day 30 - endings and closure

What am I thankful for, this November?

Day 30 - Endings and closure

Day 29 - differing opinions
Day 28 - physical affection
Day 27 - humility
Day 26 - bipolar recovery
Day 25 - puzzles and games
Day 24 - science fiction and fantasy
Day 23 - mathematical patterns
Day 22 - country night skies
Day 21 - cultural diversity
Day 20 - weather changes
Day 19 - musical diversity
Day 18 - paradox and illusion
Day 17 - laws
Day 16 - world cuisines
Day 15 - unconditional love
Day 14 - scientific progress
Day 13 - Meetup groups
Day 12 - personal freedoms
Day 11 - strong and deep friendships
Day 10 - positive self-image
Day 9 - the arts
Day 8 - pets
Day 7 - forgiving
Day 6 - housing
Day 5 - amiable nature
Day 4 - debts under control
Day 3 - my education
Day 2 - loving family
Day 1 - good health

29 November 2016

"Streaming without emotions" (P.o.t.D. 11/29/16)

A funeral mask,
A stone heart,
The monotone voice...

No interest
In your sports,
Or petty gossips...

"There's this terrible pain
In the diodes
Down my left side."

But, robot that I am,
I still bleed when cut,
And I can still cry
Crocodile tears!

Perhaps the bipolar meds
Have robbed me of emotions,
But at least, with this cocktail,
My brain's moving faster
Than "Slugs on Ice"...

With the number of deaths
That I seem to have dodged,
My mind gets twisted up
In a delusion
Of being a "Millenial Man".

It's silly, really,
Probably encouraged
By reading heavily in sci-fi...

I just want to be
Like other normal men,
Able to feel the feels
Without being overwhelmed;
And to express my loves and hates
Without getting ostracized...

Perhaps, in this life,
I must suffer
These extremes of attachment and aversion;
And to separate the desires from the self,
That I may learn and model
How to be a calm eye in the storms ahead...

Then, my Cyrano,
In parting parries,
Leaves me this final thought:
"Alas, Bean, no lass will you marry"

28 November 2016

"I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it. "
(Agent Smith, "The Matrix")

"Seasons" (P.o.t.D. 11/28/16)

As I stare across a screen of white lights;
Thinking of snow falling gently, slowing
During winter's cold, brisk, and silent nights...

Peace comes to the mice resting in the earth;
As they hide from the owl's relentless flights
To come out again, upon spring's rebirth...

Children skip about, jarring green fireflies,
While a wind whips up ashes in the hearth
And mom knits in summer, breathing low sighs...

Jack-o-lanterns sit on the porch, glowing,
With promise of candy within their eyes
While a mild autumn breeze begins blowing...

27 November 2016

a rant, for what it's worth....

I slept for three hours,
And now I'm awake again...

Living on ten dollars until Thursday,
Locked in this cycle
Of paycheck to paycheck,
Wishing I could see financial relief...

Creature comforts.

I'd like to see Dr. Strange,
To eat out more,
Or have good food to choose from
Instead of the bachelor's fridge...
To enjoy the arts?

Feeling this bare hole in my soul -
No companion to share my strife with,
Or my joys, or simply my time...

I did have an option tonight
To push my exhaustion
And go catch some improv with another -
Alas, my weary bones wanted relief.

It worries me that three hours was enough -
"I'm watching you, bipolar!"

...watching like a slow train wreck,
Tearing up sweet friendships
With poorly planned comments,
And my bizarre humor
Overlooked and mistaken...

...and I feel like some misshapen troll,
digging through the news feed,
hoping for some relief, some release,
Some escape from the chaos of my mind.

Maybe I need more books,
Or perhaps I need to create -
To toss my words
Upon a figurative fire,
And keep my monkeys placated...
Or, possibly, meditation would be best
To find a nugget of peace
In this maelstrom, inside and out?

Sitting at the computer, right now,
I hear the clock ticking,
The fridge humming,
And my radio in my room,
Softly playing classical.
Thankfully, the TV is silent
And the house mates are not up and about.
Solitude in the midnight hour.

I talk of the chaos in my mind,
But words can not describe it...?
For no words are coming quickly,
And I'm so slow to respond,
To form my thoughts into something I understand...

I want a safe space, amongst my friends -
A place that I can go
And say whatever I feel,
Without feeling threatened,
Or feeling like I'm threatening...

I want to go back to the 3rd grade playground,
Where we could pretend to be our D&D characters,
And not be concerned by the mocking of others.

I want to understand why
Those women are cutting me out of their lives,
When I thought I was connecting...
Am I too intense?
Do I obsess too much?
Am I fooling myself,
Thinking I'm independent
When I'm actually codependent?
Who do I remind them of,
That triggers that fear?

Do I end this rant here, tonight,
Or for this moment,
To refuel and recharge some more?

"Obsessed?" (P.o.t.D. 11/27/16)

Reading others' words,
I pray for peace in my mind -
"Silence these demons!"

26 November 2016

Take Three?
"I'd like to have a conversation..."
'Oh? On what topic?'
"Synchronicity? Just start talking, and see what strikes a chord?"
'Would you like some musical interludes?'
I'm craving companionship, but I'm tired as white rock road with cracks baked in by the relentless Texas summers...
Not the best analogy, I know... but then, you know my mind comes unhinged, swinging wildly like a screen door in the ten-minute Texas thunderstorms...
'Twould be nice to be pardners, thick as thieves... Alas! I roll down the road, like the tumbleweeds.
...and I shake the dust from my sandals, and I sigh, for then wrote, ye Vandals:
Not sure what to post?
I hear pictures of cats work,
While politics don't...

"Black Friday Lament" P.o.t.D. 11/26/16

Buy, buy, buy, buy more -
Spend the money you don't have -
For what? New bookends?

25 November 2016

"Take Two Aspirin..." (P.o.t.D. 11/25/16)

The fabric of society is shot through
With this idea to change the way we feel.

Some methods, like talking it out
And healthy exercise - perhaps yoga;
Or just eating good food instead of grease -
They have their merits,
Which may be discussed down the road...

But, what about
Taking two aspirin,
With or without doctor supervision?

Or, drinking, or drugging,
Our minds into a stupor,
Worse than slugs on ice?

Feel your allergies returning, this year?
Why not self-medicate
With what worked last year,
Or maybe Facebook's suggested potage?

OOooo... you have a chronic illness
That we barely know how to treat?
Try this brand new medicine,
Even though, in ten years,
It may give you diabetic feet...

Got a pain in your back,
And the pain-killers
Are not giving you slack?
Maybe you can fudge the doses...
Quite a slippery track.

It's so easy to feed Big Pharma,
It's so easy to add one more pill,
To build ourselves up to a morning cocktail
Of thirteen or more drugs for our ills...
All the while, not caring or watching
How they interact, or new symptoms instill.

Physician! Heal Thyself!
Do not tell me to "Take Two..."
Tell me how to live well,
That good health will then ensue,
For I am not a lab rat
From which your data accrues...

...and this is but one facet,
With no mention of
Tobacco, alcohol,
And all the rest...
I need to let my mind stew,
Before observing those best...

----- poem seeds below ------

Take the zyprexia to feel better,
Get diabetes ten years later...

Cocktail of 17 pills day and night,
Whose effects have no foresight.

Got a pain in the back...
take a pain killer...

if we legalize it,
then the criminal activity drops...
but what about the abuse?

24 November 2016

P.o.t.D. 11/24/16

A poem about crap:
The pains jalapenos bring -
What relief is there?

23 November 2016

22 November 2016

"Trainwreck" (P.o.t.D. 11/22/16)

Watching this train wreck
Advance slowly, building steam
To leave tracks unclean.

21 November 2016

20 November 2016

"Winter warmth" (P.o.t.D. 11/20/16)

Curled up with a cathartic hot cocoa
As the fire crackles and snaps,
Giving out their own heats
To warm me through and through,
Inside and out
From weary foot
To quiet depths of a kind heart.

19 November 2016

"Asthma's Release?" (P.o.t.D. 11/18/16)

As the allergies attack me,
Robbing me of sleep so adored,
I toss and turn throughout the day;
And with this misery I become so bored...

I have some zest for life, still,
But physically I want to be free of this corpse -
Just falling through a rooftop full of leaves
Smothered and covered, with breaths no more.

"Lamenting Grabby People" (P.o.t.D. 11/19/16)

It saddens me,
That I'm forced to think globally -
To keep an eye on the neighbors
That their poison does not spread...

Actually, I wish no poison was used,
And, in harmony, we act fused,
For everyone's good,
Instead of fat cats getting fatter...

If we could break free of carbon,
And protect, instead of kill, our bees;
If we could love planet and neighbor -
That would make me so very pleased.

Here's where I'd spin off on a tirade -
But I've been worn down, beat down,
So bloody, plumb old tired...
That I hope my anger is not needed
In future edits, when all these poems get wired.

That reminds me,
That I must create a foundation for next year.
I wonder if blogger can capture my hopes,
Or will I have to look for another site
To bind all these poems together with silken ropes.

As I said, I'm tired;
Maybe, on caffeine, a tad wired -
I hope my efforts may get me hired,
Assuming, we all survive "You're Fired!"

17 November 2016

"Ozymandias" (P.o.t.D. 11/17/16)

What was left unscathed,
But some obscene shrine to hate,
Amid ruins of state...?

16 November 2016

"Signal to Noise" (rough draft, P.o.t.D. 11/16/16)

Where's the signals in all of the noise?
What are the currents driving our state?

All the people in their bubbles
Fostering deep insane hate
For any who are others...

Even rationality unravels
As it runs head-on
Into the crowd's wall of ignorance

Or petty little gossips
Concerned about a dress's color
Instead of a Martian milestone.

You might counter, "I'll just post pictures
Of family, and food, and cats!"
OK, maybe cats eating family feast

In this season of Thanksgiving.
In my heart, it feels like
We've lost our direction

And we're drifting downstream
Into dangerous rapids,
Where all that will be left will be static.

15 November 2016

14 November 2016

"Cuties, a Year Later" (P.o.t.D. 11/14/16)

Eight cuties before me today,
Chilled for a month, and yet,
How succulent and sweet they tasted
Over a course of several minutes -
Eat them one by one, popped whole,
Sweet juices squirting so!

Alas.. the quarter hour is not complete,
Without that Pink Floyd song,
Hiding, "in the front of my mind..?"

"Puppet's Lament" (P.o.t.D. 11/14/16)

I dance before you,
Stumbling over my two feet,
Controlled by cords linked...

13 November 2016

"Beware Unbridled Anger" (alternate) P.o.t.D. 11/13/16

I feel so alone
On this planet with its hate...
We made U.S. great?
I feel so alone
On this planet with its hate...
Made America great?
Be careful, Jody Bean, of charging ahead,
Guided by unbridled anger, free of reins...
For a cliff lies ahead, ro which that horse may be blind.....

Can we survive the tumble over its edge?

"Beware Unbridled Anger" P.o.t.D. 11/13/16

I feel so alone
On this planet with its hate...
We made U.S. great?

12 November 2016

"Start with Purple" (P.o.t.D. 11/12/16)

I will try to wear a safety pin,
For as long as it takes
To feel brave enough
To talk down the hate
And talk with the scared...

As a first step,
I will adorn it with a purple ribbon -
So regal and supporting so much.

Here's a short list of purple's causes,
At least the ones that I feel
That I can relate to:

Celebrating military kids,
Like my mom's siblings...

Three forms of cancer,
Like the pancreatic my friend has,
The testicular that Movember highlights,
And the gynecological -
Possibly seen in the dehumanizing abuses
That women must face daily...

Purple also pushes back against
Bullying, and hopes to prevent suicides -
Reminding us to remember teens
Who were stigmatized for their orientations...

While we're at it,
Remember that purple wants to protect
Victims of domestic violence...

Let's also raise a violet flag half-mast
To remember those lost to drug overdoses...

Some other illnesses include
Migraines, lupus, fibromalgia, and Alzheimer's -
Which can all tear away at the soul...

One last bit from Wikipedia,
Tells me purple is for Worker's Memorial Days...

So, with heavy heart,
I will start wearing purple,
Wishing for a peaceful world
Where the combated ills were no more...

It's not a plain safety pin,
As I don't know if I can shoulder that burden,
But could it be baby steps
For me and other privileged white men?

11 November 2016

"11/11 rant" (P.o.t.D. 11/11/16)

Time to re-train my bedeviled brain
To stand up against oppression,
Especially sly, under-handed tricks
That may masquerade as "innocent jokes"
That hide deadly de-humanizing stings.

My mind peels away from the roiling fear -
In myself, in others..

no poem here

exhaustion has taken its toll
and i feel myself going fetal

i want the voice of sanity
to step in, to say it'll all be all right

i want comfort
and i hate the conflict
but america's always been at war
maybe some sick alpha male gratification:
"if we can beat ______,
we will show we were the better country!"

while our children try to copy our bullying,
making a mockery of our "day-care center education system"

...and we learn nothing.

i once heard, take it for what its worth,
that innovation basically came from conquest and exploration....
so, please, y'all can we get on with exploring Mars
and tapping clean energy
and learning to live together with each other
instead of with our stereotypes and prejudices?

does it count as exploration
if we try to take the time
to learn about different sub-cultures,
instead of trying to "white-wash" them all in our suppressions?

how does that go again?
"Let's build a longer table
Instead of a higher fence."

I wonder what sins are running rampant?
Greed? Envy? Sloth?

Did I ever tell you the time
That I made sandwiches for my former housemate,
When he approached me on the streets,
Asking for some help?

Just some raw words, and a tired old Bean,
Who would rather be asleep,
If only this anxiety and these allergies
Weren't shooting that all to Hell...
But I need to sleep, so I will sign off.

10 November 2016

"Angry Poet?" P.o.t.D. 11/10/16

Lost in the swirling maelstrom of gossip and opinions
Fed to me by media, just trying to earn their paychecks,
I become jaded, disinterested, unfocused
Just looking for some light at the end of the tunnel...

I shudder to think that the light I so desperately seek
Might turn out to be an atom bomb,
Laying waste with equal measure to the strong and the meek.

Or there's red flags, false warnings raised yonder
While the nation quickly dissolves, grows less fonder.

This is my attempt to be an angry poet?

09 November 2016

"Darkness beckons" (P.o.t.D. 11/9/16)

Picking through the tangled threads and dark clouds
Of this maniac's busy mind of mine,
I yearn for, thirst for, some simple white shrouds
Under which, the worms, on my body, dine.

08 November 2016

"Missing Mania" (P.o.t.D. 11/8/16)

The slips and sparks throughout my brain
Have dulled, making docs call me "sane"?

If only there was some level of self control,
My creative life could arise, not this droll...

As passion's embers dull to dusty gray ash,
I trudge on, barely aware of this life's path...

On the Eve of Trump's Election

ah, the anxiety!!

Like being tied to the ground,
Under a grand magnifying glass -
Waiting for the sun to creep along it's track....

Or is it grabbing at any news,
Hoping for some grand answer
That's lost in the leaves of time,
Long since fallen from the Tree of Knowledge
And mocked by serpents
With their silver tongues...?

07 November 2016

"Job Market" (P.o.t.D. 11/7/16)

There's a gulf in our jobs, today...
Passed-up service work, at low pay;
Crazy skills cobbled together
Just to get a foot in the door
For high tech spots, or so they say.

06 November 2016

"As I watch..." P.o.t.D. 11/6/16

As I watch waves of anger boil up...
As the radio plays Vangelis' "Light and Shadow"...

This poem begins to meander,
Weaving round the road ahead
Like a drunk driver, instead
Of going down a worn smooth tread.

As I watch the angry debates unfold
Between Democratic daughter and Christian father...

I wonder about many family's relations,
About all their debates on the nation,
And how love stokes the flames
Into lower and lower elevations?

As I watch anger sweep the media...
The radio now plays Desplat's "Canto at Gabelmeister's Peak"...

Everyone fighting, just to be heard,
Interrupting, stepping on each others' word -
Can't we return to that peaceful scene
When upon the podium landed a bird?

As I watch, anger poisons my sight,
And queue Morricone's "L'Arena"...

I wish to retreat, and hide from the turmoil,
In the hopes that my blood does not boil,
Or the stress leads to an early grave,
Where my tortured mind rests in the soil.

...and queue Philip Glass, "Mosque and Temple" from "Powaqqatsi"
...and all these first world problems are swept aside,
As I think that I should be grateful
For food, shelter, and love
And yet anger lurks,
Waiting to seize upon our differences -
Ah, the cultural divides. *sigh*

05 November 2016

no care I, if this makes sense...

i crave conversation and unwinding and relaxing -
or so i claim in this moment...

dusting off that surface thought,
I realize that i want intellectual stimulation....

i probably also want physical stimulation

bad timing, though, as i feel 8 hours of sleep
slipping through my feeble grasp of time

maybe i'll find relief in the gifts of the Sandman?

so, now, i'll set my clock black,
duck under the covers
and hope that caffeine does not foil dreams.

"Tarot Unfolding" (P.o.t.D. 11/5/16)

Like some ticking time bomb,
Counting down with loaded images,
My mind played out the Tarot scenes:

Ten of Pentacles,
A fulfillment of wealth...

Nine of Swords -
Was pain, but was it
Physical or Mental?

Eight of Wands...
And I picture the strife scene,
But was it remembered incorrectly?

Ah, but Seven of Cups,
Reaching for delusions,
Lost in a fantasy of wealth...

Why did the cards root themselves
In the caverns of my mind?
What truths paranormal
Are crowding into my sight?
How is my subconscious trying
To warn me of future plight?

...or was it all some ploy
to short-circuit a share,
to make connections
with other mystics
who may be out there?

04 November 2016

P.o.t.D. 11/4/16

Walking 'round Austin,
I fill my ears with sweet noise
For my brain's focus.

03 November 2016

"The Murphy Bill?" (P.o.t.D. 11/3/16)

A chance encounter,
And my head's spinning...

There's a Murphy Bill in Congress,
Full of some lengthy legalese;
But this bad bill was boiled down,
Upon allpoetry.com,
To indicate drugs and treatments
Will be forced on mentally ill...

A second site, linked from the poem,
(Blogs written by a bipolar?)
Tells us all that this bill only
Has support from the families
Of the mentally ill, and yet
Has no support from the same ill.

Trying to read the legalese
And its jargon clouds the issues
So, I write the following "poem"
Hoping for some help with all these
Conflicting camps of interest...

"My first thoughts are that
This bill reacts to the guns
Used horribly now -

Yet Orwell rises,
As I think of force-fed pills,
Medicated crowds

All lock-step marching
To feed Big Pharm and doctors
Who lack compassion."

That is my knee-jerk reaction,
From what I have perused thus far,
Thinking about 1800's...
When mentally ill were locked up,
Secured there to be forgotten.

02 November 2016

"Ode to the Washroom" (P.o.t.D. 11/2/16)

In what room am I locked
Where whiskers seek basins,
Mirror images mocked,
And we leave like raisins?