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19 November 2016

"Lamenting Grabby People" (P.o.t.D. 11/19/16)

It saddens me,
That I'm forced to think globally -
To keep an eye on the neighbors
That their poison does not spread...

Actually, I wish no poison was used,
And, in harmony, we act fused,
For everyone's good,
Instead of fat cats getting fatter...

If we could break free of carbon,
And protect, instead of kill, our bees;
If we could love planet and neighbor -
That would make me so very pleased.

Here's where I'd spin off on a tirade -
But I've been worn down, beat down,
So bloody, plumb old tired...
That I hope my anger is not needed
In future edits, when all these poems get wired.

That reminds me,
That I must create a foundation for next year.
I wonder if blogger can capture my hopes,
Or will I have to look for another site
To bind all these poems together with silken ropes.

As I said, I'm tired;
Maybe, on caffeine, a tad wired -
I hope my efforts may get me hired,
Assuming, we all survive "You're Fired!"

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